Catechist Spirituality

Recently at our parish we put on the first annual Cat Day (Catechist Day...hat tip to the monstrously respectable Michael Gormley for the idea) where we brought together all the catechists at our parish. Youth ministry core members, RCIA catechists, K-6 catechists, and all the like. It was a day of prayer, vision casting, and breakout sessions for training.

You can checkout our nifty handouts and schedule for the day here.

This is a recording of the breakout I ran on the Spirituality of a Catechist. I pulled the gems and suggestions out of the Guide for Catechists published in 1993 by the Vatican. It's a great document (with a lot of inside baseball, so you can skim it).

We started with 5 minutes of group Lectio Divina on 1 John 1:1-4, which is the passage I reference at the beginning.

You can read the Guide for Catechists here.


What is the Basic Gospel Message?


Free Download: 10 Day Prayer Guide