NEW: The

CatholicStandPopeI am pleased to announce a new Catholic website - Catholic Stand - whose mission is to inform and equip Catholic citizens with the Truth of our Catholic faith as it relates to various areas of the culture we live in.  Its not your readers-digest-type website, and will hopefully dive pretty deeply into topics and provide plenty of research to back up the articles. If you are looking for a website to challenge you to stretch your Catholic brain, this is a great place to turn and I am honored to be a columnist among the ranks of many great columnists who write for this new site.

Stacy Trasancos, Ph.D., Chief Editor for Catholic Stand, was a guest on Teresa Tomeo's Radio Show "Catholic Connection" on Ave Maria Radio to talk about her conversion story and Catholic Stand.  Give a listen if you're interested.

Catholic Citizens Unite!


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March for Life 2013