

Quisque at dolor venenatis justo fringilla dignissim ut id eros. Quisque non elit id purus feugiat vestibulum. Phasellus eget sodales neque. Morbi eget odio nec justo consequat gravida. Phasellus dolor nisl, venenatis eget euismod et, dapibus et purus. Maecenas interdum nisi a dolor facilisis eu laoreet mi facilisis. Mauris pharetra interdum lorem eu venenatis. Praesent est diam, fringilla in hendrerit vel, ullamcorper et mauris. Integer convallis, odio ut rutrum euismod, mi purus pulvinar justo, quis mollis metus metus vitae nibh. Proin eget tincidunt arcu. Donec ante mi, elementum non adipiscing vitae, pharetra quis mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur eget nibh non odio iaculis posuere. Sed ante tortor, pharetra vitae iaculis id, sodales ac tellus. Ut viverra, nulla et adipiscing condimentum, libero nisi condimentum tellus, vel pharetra neque ligula sit amet mi. Sed rutrum consectetur purus ac tincidunt.

Ownage In The Mountains

Sed condimentum massa in enim cursus, sed mattis elit malesuada. Lorem sapien acveh icula vestibulum, arcu magna aliquet velit. Nunc elementum mattis diam eu aliquam. Phasellus augue nulla, venenatis non hendrerit ac, volutpat sit amet sem. Donec eleifend nulla

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Suspendisse diam

Phasellus venenatis venenatis velit ut ultricies. Cras porta dignissim malesuada. Etiam auctor, justo et facilisis ultrices, justo mauris imperdiet ligula, vitae tincidunt justo quam fermentum nulla. Nunc interdum porta ligula, eu malesuada nunc tristique eu. Integer sed mi ac velit congue vulputate sed quis lacus. Fusce tellus sem, ultricies consequat porta at, ultrices in odio. Nullam a sapien vitae erat porta faucibus rhoncus eleifend dolor. Mauris semper rutrum ante a auctor. Nullam non arcu erat, vel sollicitudin felis. Nam erat nisl, mattis euismod lacinia at, tempus quis nunc.

Donec luctus odio eget ipsum lacinia lacinia. Suspendisse porttitor laoreet sagittis. Nulla mi justo, auctor sed posuere sit amet, pretium ac metus. Nulla porta justo ac velit accumsan faucibus. In dignissim, orci nec ultricies elementum, erat mi tristique dui, a tristique ligula quam non est. Suspendisse mattis aliquet est, at tempor ipsum lacinia a. Cras enim sapien, dapibus sit amet iaculis sit amet, pharetra non diam. Curabitur sed nisi in metus eleifend fringilla. Aenean viverra sem in quam luctus eget gravida diam scelerisque.

7 Quick Takes Friday!

Jennifer Fulwiler hosts 7 Quick Takes every friday on her blog Conversion Diary, so this Friday I decided to get in on the fun and give you the 7 quick takes that were on my mind this week.  Enjoy!

--- 1 ---

My sister and her fiance came into town and I surprised my wife with a day of taking make-up "engagement" photos at an abandoned house and barn in the middle of nowhere.  We never got around to taking professional couple pictures when we got engaged, but my sister has a super sweet camera and some mad photo skills.  It was way more fun than I expected, and we definitely got a ton of laughs and a ton of unreal photos.

--- 2 ---

I'm impatiently waiting like a hungry chubby 5th grader at the back of a buffet line for my good friend Chris to finish the post production editing of a video project soon to be released on this blog.  *Hint Hint* It rhymes with "Support a Catholic Speaker Month".

Just wait...it'll be delicious.

--- 3 ---

I would like to also mention the unsung hero of our photo escapades, the set man Peter (my sister's fiance) who carried props, carted cribs, held our baby, and sat around watching us get our picture taken for an hour and a half.

--- 4 ---

I cringe a little bit (okay a lot) when I dabble in politics, and I certainly don't believe that Republicans have a monopoly on all that is good and true and Christian in the world.  But this video really showcases the blatant contradiction in today's popular idea of tolerance which is: Tolerate everyone, except those who don't tolerate everyone.  And by tolerate they mean, everyone has the right to believe they are right, and no one can prove anyone wrong.

Watch the video here.

"How open are you?" "Open enough to include everyone." "Who wouldn't you include?" "We wouldn't include those beer toting fakers down in Florida."(Republicans)

--- 5 ---

My sister's fiance told me about this site, CatholicIQ.com.  A fantastic 101 question quiz set to sacred music and breath taking works of art, this website is a really great idea.  I appreciated that it wasn't all random and useless Bible or Catholic trivia, but was all very practical and essential to the life of a Catholic (well okay, except a few questions, like "How many total verses are in the Bible?")  Apparently if you get a lower score they'll send you a free Catholic book to help boost your Catholic IQ.  Check it out, and see if you can score at least a 180!

--- 6 ---

I've really been digging the band The Head and the Heart recently (Can you say Fides et Ratio? I think I feel a blog post coming on...) and its a little because of this:

So many decisions in life and in the music we love can come down to a critical tug between the logic in our heads and the hot red blood beating through our hearts. Seattle’s The Head and the Heart live authentically in that crux, finding joy and beauty wedged there.

Right? And a lot because of this:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AclhwQKlgfw&w=560&h=315]

--- 7 ---

I want to try a free book giveaway.  Be on the lookout for a tasty Catholic book to chew on that I'll be mailing to one of you, free of charge, in the coming weeks.  Brandon Vogt has inspired me with this, and I think it's a great and charitable way to counterbalance the personal vice of my relentlessly expanding library....

My wife on a regular basis: "More books?" Me: "You can never have too many good books!"

Yeah yeah, I know, I know, just don't argue with me okay? :)

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Gotta give props to Jennifer Fulwiler @ Conversion Diary for all the great work she does, and for an inspiring blog.  Go check out her site and all the Catholic goodness to be had.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!